/* My Blog */

11/13/2023 2:53PM

Think I'm gonna redo most of this site soon. Even though I've barely worked on it lol. Might try and finish this design then plan out a real one that's actually good with my new knowledge of HTML and CSS.

11/12/2023 7:53PM

Finally added this to my site lol. Everything before this was added in VS and not on the site.
I've been sick lately so I've fallen behind in a lot of hobbies and I'm trying to catch up. It's been really stressful but I'm managing.
I'm working on a lot of stuff while also just working a job so I've been very tired but that's just life sometimes. I'm gonna try and update this blog more conistently.
Also gonna try and finish this site soon.

10/30/2023 8:50PM

Another test.
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet, consequuntur dolorem, cum dolore officiis animi fugit eaque similique porro non earum molestiae. Quos sint minus, eum saepe ipsam dolorem amet cumque neque corrupti tempora voluptas nobis qui excepturi eos sunt illum dicta quas dignissimos odio culpa! Repellat enim velit aut saepe praesentium necessitatibus expedita doloremque accusantium aliquam ipsa repudiandae inventore, nulla, hic quaerat in porro tempora id quo sapiente odit earum molestiae deserunt quisquam? Sequi sint pariatur, minus placeat cumque iste laudantium et nobis commodi aliquam fuga dignissimos, repellendus at culpa totam tempore! At, mollitia? Fugiat facilis consequatur totam consequuntur.

10/30/2023 8:49PM

Just testing out the boxes to see if they stack correctly and the scrolling works correctly. Glad it came out decent enough!

10/30/2023 8:45PM

This is my first attempt at making a box for this blog. I'm gonna save it like this even if I change them in the future.
I don't really know how to effectively use CSS or HTML so I can't get the date and time section in the place I want, but I still think this looks nice.

/* My Blog End */


rosalina sticker


